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Are Publicly Traded Corporations Disappearing?

Margaret M. Blair, Milton R. Underwood Chair in Free Enterprise, and the FedEx Chair for Research at Vanderbilt University Law School

2 Mar 2020

Corporate law scholars and economists have expressed concern recently about the fact that the number of publicly traded corporations in the United States has declined significantly since a peak in the late 1990s. In this Essay, in honor of the late Professor Lynn Stout, who devoted much of her career to the study of large publicly traded corporations, I show that despite a decline in the number of such corporations in the last two decades, they collectively account for about the same share of total economic activity as they have for the last six decades. While there has been turnover in the ranks of the largest corporations in recent decades, there is no reason to believe that these entities are disappearing or becoming less important.

To read more, click here: Are Publicly Traded Corporations Disappearing?