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Tag: Juries

A Jury of Your [Redacted]: The Rise and Implications of Anonymous Juries

Leonardo Mangat

Since their relatively recent beginnings in 1977, anony- mous juries have been used across a litany of cases: organ- ized crime, terrorism, murder, sports scandals, police killings, and even political corruption. And their use is on the rise. An anonymous jury is a type of jury that a court may empanel in a criminal trial;…

Sep 2018

What Juries Really Think: Practical Guidance for Trial Lawyers

Amy J. St. Eve, United States District Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois; Adjunct Professor, Northwestern Law School.

Gretchen Scavo, Learning & Development Lead—Disputes, Winston & Strawn LLP. Ms. Scavo previously clerked for Judge St. Eve and was formerly a Partner at Winston & Strawn LLP.

What do juries really think about lawyers? What makes jurors tick? What do lawyers do that irritates jurors? What can lawyers do better in the courtroom from the jury’s perspective? These are the questions at the heart of this article, which provides useful insight gleaned from more than 500 jurors who served in federal district…

Mar 2018