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Tag: United States

Law as a Battlefield: The U.S., China, and the Global Escalation of Lawfare

Jill I. Goldenziel, Professor of International Law and International Relations, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College; Affiliated Scholar, Fox Leadership International, University of Pennsylvania

This Article argues that the U.S. needs to develop a lawfare strategy to combat its adversaries. It will first define the concept of lawfare and discuss how its use has evolved and escalated globally in recent years. It will illustrate this phenomenon by examining three different instances of lawfare between China and the U.S. or its allies: China’s non-uniformed maritime militias, international arbitration over China’s claims to the Spratly Islands, and litigation involving the U.S. and Huawei. After discussing the rise of lawfare globally, including lawfare efforts by Russia and the U.S., the Article concludes with recommendations for a U.S. lawfare strategy.

Sep 2021

When Does The Bell Toll For Women’s Equality?

This year, the Cornell Law Review will host, When Does The Bell Toll For Women’s Equality?,  an online symposium that examines the political, economic, social, and legal status of women. The symposium makes interventions along the lines of sex, race, and class to understand the persistence of women’s inequality and invisibility at a critical juncture…

Sep 2020

Professor Michele Goodwin receives the John Hope Franklin Prize, Honorable Mention

Professor Michele Goodwin is honored to receive the John Hope Franklin Prize, Honorable Mention for her Article The Thirteenth Amendment: Modern Slavery, Capitalism, and Mass Incarceration, which was published in Cornell Law Review‘s Volume 104. This Article exposes how the institution of slavery persists in the American penal system. The article provides a robust historical…

Jul 2020

A Tale of Two Courts

Deepa Das Acevedo

The world’s oldest democracy and the world’s largest democracy are admittedly different places. One is geographically expansive and demographically changing; it features a presidential system of governance and reflects a general assumption that the state ought to stay out of peoples’ lives wherever possible. The other is geographically smaller (though not small) and riven by…

Mar 2020